Deciduous, stunted trees, branches crooked, rough with conspicuous scars of fallen leaves, with or without few small scattered lenticels; pseudostipule none. Leaves verticillate, simply imparipinnate, caducous on the lower parts of branches; leaflets always with long acuminate apex, chartaceous. Inflorescence terminal thyrse; secondary peduncles verticllate (to sub-verticillate). Calyx cylindric to shortly tubular-campanulate, papery with conspicuously unequal 2-3 lobes, furnished with scattered small tuberculate to slightly warty glands throughout outside the tube, Corolla tubular or funnel-shaped, constricted to shortly and narrowly cylindrical at base. Stamens included, inserted at the constricted part of corolla tube, puberulous to villous at the point of insertion; anther cells ovoid to shortly oblong, divaricate, glabrous. Disc conspicuous, pulvinate. Ovary clothed with scattered glands throuthout or together with minute glabrous scales. Capsule shortly cylindric to slightly compressed in fresh material (compressed in herbarium specimen). ellipsoid-oblong, attenuate towards the base, apex broadly acute; valves thin, outside furnished with small tuberculate or immersed glands throughout; septum cruciform, true septum sharply ridged, false septum conspicuous, broad and much expanded, thick and corky; seeds flattened with semi-circular membranous wings, slightly elongated on the lateral. [1] [2]
- , “Notes on asiatic Bignoniaceae”, Kew BulletinKew Bulletin, pp. 171-185, 1973.
- , “Bignoniaceae”, Thai Forest Bulletin, vol. 8, pp. 35-38, 1974.